mi high quiz. are you a good fan?

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Britain's super-secret spy agency MI-9 is in trouble. All of its adult agents have been exposed. Luckily, there are a group of inner-city high school kids in training. Welcome to M.I. High. Their top secret missions are given to them by the school janitor, who is actually an ex-MI-9 agent. When summoned by communicators disguised as pencils, the top 3 agents must find an excuse to leave class and take the hidden high-speed lift to their HQ in the school's basement

which type of fan are you at cbbc's mi high. you could be a big fan or just a person who has never heared about mi high. you can find this spy drama on iplayer

Created by: lcb
  1. what are the names of the series 2 characters
  2. what is zoe's code on her arm?
  3. what is anesha's aunty called
  4. name the school is series 7
  5. why did carrie oscar and rose leave mi high
  6. what was zoe's special skill
  7. what is toms favourite game
  8. what are the first three agents names in all the series
  9. is mi high on netflix
  10. is there an mi 138
  11. what series did lenny leave in?
  12. pick the true statement out of these

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Quiz topic: Mi high quiz. am I a good fan?
