who are you in mi high? made by lcb

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this quiz will tell you who you are and if your good or bad. you could be rose blane and daisy or, rose oscar and carrie or zoe aneisha tom and dan or, keri tom aneisha and dan or, the grand master or corpse or are you just a normal person with a normal life

are you a spy agent or skul or corpse or are you just a normal person? lets find out here today. do my quiz to find out which type you are. thanks for reading this.

Created by: lcb
  1. do you fall out with people alot
  2. would you like to work with 4 or more people like you
  3. do you ever fail?
  4. did you like lenny in series 1 and 2
  5. who is mr flatley
  6. which character do you like most?
  7. what is your fave colour?
  8. pick one of the following you want to do
  9. do you like the quiz so far. (1 more question left).
  10. what series is your favourite

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Quiz topic: Who am I in mi high? made by lcb
