MCU Phase 1-3 Extreme Fans Quiz

Do you consider yourself a MCU super fan, but struggle to find a hard enough quiz? If so here you go. This quiz includes things that would cause the average MCU fan to fail. Good luck

Please let me know in the comments if I should increase the difficulty. I can but fear that almost nobody will pass. In addition, let me know if you think this quiz is too hard!

Created by: Matthew Nelson
  1. Which of the following is not one of the words used in Bucky Barnes’ Hydra programming?
  2. What was tetrodotoxin B created for?
  3. In the MCU, what language is spoken in Wakanda?
  4. Who is Hawkeye/Ronin fighting when Black Widow approaches him in Tokyo?
  5. What does Ulysses Klaw’s brand translate to?
  6. Who said the following quote?“Well I panicked but then I handled it”
  7. Which side of Thanos’ face did Tony draw blood on. (From Thanos’ frame of reference)
  8. Who said the following?“Who is speaking?”
  9. How many times was the phrase: “I am Iron Man” spoken in phase 1-3?
  10. How many times was the phrase: “I can do this all day” spoken in the MCU?

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