May I be allowed to pee?

This is a quiz to see if I will allow you to pee. take the test and answer the questions. At the very end I will decide if you're ready to pee or not.

I would like to see how long you can hold your pee and make you suffer in the process (tee hee)It's enjoyable to me to know that you are desparate to pee but not allowed.

Created by: Jpeg82
  1. To start, drink 3 glasses of water and wait 30 minuets before you begin. it'll be more fun that way!!
  2. When was the last time you peed?
  3. How badly do you have to pee?
  4. How much have you had to drink in the last 2 hours?
  5. Press hard on your bladder for a few seconds, how does it feel?
  6. What are you doing to keep your pee in?
  7. Activity time. yah!!
  8. If you're laying down, sit up if you're sitting, stand up and if you're standing drink 3 glasses of water and sit back down you're defiantly not given permission to pee. How do you feel?
  9. Without your hands holding yourself, open your legs a far as you can and cough as hard as you can 3 times. how does it feel?
  10. Without holding yourself sit down and stand back up 5 times. How does it feel (for each question answered as "fine" drink 1/2 a cup of water as fast as you can and come back in 15 minutes you're a long way from allowing you to pee.)
  11. Without holding yourself sit on the floor (if you can) and do 5 sit ups. How did it make you feel?
  12. Do 10 jumping jacks (if you can). How did it make you feel?
  13. Whew... You must be thirsty after all that exercise. Drink 2 cups of water and wait 15 minutes to see if I "allow" to pee. If you answered "fine" to ANY of these questions drink (as fast as you can) drink 3 cups of water.
  14. Press on your bladder again.
  15. Hmmm.... Now it's time for me to decide if I'm going to allow you to pee... Rate how badly you need to pee again.
  16. How did you enjoy my quiz? Does not affect your results.

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