Maximum Ride: Ultimate Fanatics Quiz

Do you think you are a maximum ride Fanatic? If you think so take this quiz .Millions of people love this series but only few are real Fanatics, wanna see if your are?

Are you a fanatic? do you love max and the flock ?Do you love the action filled series and believe your a fanatic? then take this quiz and see the real answer

Created by: Emmie
  1. In book 5 what happened when Max and fang went out for there frist date?
  2. In book 1 what powers did angel have?
  3. In Fang, Fang......
  4. In book 4 do the flock and anne gets along?
  5. Do you love Maximum ride?(no mater what u answer you gets a correct point)
  6. In which book did total grow wings?
  7. In a couple books what is Dr Superfabulouses Real name
  8. In book 5 where did they find max's mom?
  9. Does everyone in the flokc have gills?
  10. Last question in book _______ Fangs and Max split up

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