Math Quiz? Idk why i'm making this

Welcome to my little math quiz. So i made this because i was bored so if you were looking for an actual math quiz then I'd leave now if i were you....

But if you wanna stay because you might think it'd be fun or your bored to then go on and take the quiz! I mean if you already clicked on it... the back button is like so far away to so... stay? XD

Created by: Quizzy14
  1. Whats 2+2?
  2. Okay, whats 2 times 2
  3. Okay so, 1+1+1+1=?
  4. Find X 2x=4
  5. four times four?
  6. 10-5?
  7. ten minus six?
  8. 10-7?
  9. 10-8? (cough, two, cough)
  10. okay... 10-9?

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