mangle the swagest

this quiz is about finding ur fnaf 2 boyfriend or girlfriend blah blah balha blah blah ect ect ect cte meeeeep nya nya nya nnya nyan cat la llllllaaa lalalalaa

meep is swag and la and la so luv life and s--- like thaat so lalalala la im putting no effort into this maxi u better do this quiz so ya ya ya ya laa

Created by: juno
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. a friend asks you what animatronic you have a crush on
  2. wats ur personality
  3. wat ur fave colour
  4. if there were more animatronics wat would u like
  5. wats ur fave type of movie's/books
  6. who is ur fave animtronic
  7. let fate do this one
  8. bye guys
  9. wait one more question did you like this quiz?
  10. bye for reals now

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