Make a House on this weird website.

Um hi there I am sarcastic are you? Dragons eat nutella. So do I. Choose. Burgers or Pizza? I'd have to say...both! Yay. Do you like reading? I do. I also like making videos on Likee and Tiktok. Mostly Likee.

I am just going to do this because I need a certain number of words in my paragraph so yeah. Um I also tried to make this quiz accurae sorry if it isn't.

Created by: oofarianator of Likee/Tiktok
(your link here more info)
  1. Would you rather live in...
  2. Can you follow on this wierd quiz thing?? I wonder...anyway choose a material.
  3. Uuuuuhhhhhhh Uuuuuhhhhhhh lets seeeeee and yes a human made this quiz stupid I am a 9 year old in my room trying to come up with another question. Also the answers to this question don't effect your result.
  4. Choose...(Yes this effects your results)
  5. Next question: Do you like:
  6. And:
  7. Social Platforms:
  8. Umm...are you...
  9. This is a hard question if you read Percy Jackson or not but which god/goddess do u like better?
  10. Last question. Does not effect ur results because I am out of ideas.

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