life or death in a zombie outbreak

We have all seen the zombie movie, played the games or expantion packs, and heard the myths. What is that was real. You will need to survive. But how can you.

Shall we see? A zombie outbreak has come. Can you survive. Take this quiz and if you can survive, happy day for you. If not, good night, and get over it.

Created by: david a

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you hear of a zombie outbreak on the news, what do you do
  2. How good are you at shooting?
  3. You come across a cache of firearms, but can only lift one. Which do you pick
  4. You find your girlfriend/boyfriend when on the side of the street
  5. You find your girlfriend/boyfriend when on the side of the street
  6. He/she gets bit. What do you do
  7. You encounter a group of survivors who want you to join them. You:
  8. Say you come along. the team is low on food. What do you do
  9. Say you come along. the team is low on food. What do you do
  10. You and you group are attacked by zombies. What do you do
  11. In the battle, a car is blown up, knoking you out. You wake up unarmed and alone. What do you use as a new weapon
  12. You are able to find a hidout, food, and more firearms. What do you do now
  13. A year has past and the zombies have not died down, nor have you found any cure or survivors, but your knolage has grown. How do you kill a zombie
  14. You run out of food. Now what do you do
  15. You get fed up with waiting the outbreak out. You descide to hunt for a cure. What weapon group do you take
  16. You get fed up with waiting the outbreak out. You descide to hunt for a cure. What weapon group do you take
  17. You are able to find a cure. You pour it into darts for your guns. How will you be able to cure the world

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