know your bizz quiz

if you think that you have what it takes to pass this quiz then click the button and start this awesome,amazing,and hard quiz because this will be a off the charter

if you want to do it you can do it for as long as your baseball filled heart will let you do.Continue to take this quiz until you've studied every question

Created by: Jonathan Armstrong
  1. what is the name of the player who died in a plane crash in 1972
  2. what is babe ruth's real name
  3. Who holds the record for most home runs in a single season
  4. who holds the record for most hits in a career
  5. Ichiro Susuki holds the record for most hits in a single season. How many did he have
  6. Nolan Ryan holds the record for most strikeouts of all-time. how many did he have
  7. Who pitched a perfect game in the 1956 world series
  8. how many perfect games have been thrown in MLB History
  9. who hit 3,000 hits, then retired right after his 3,000th hit
  10. which of the following players' baseball card is worth the most
  11. who were the two players in a home run race in 1998
  12. how many players to this date (6/18/2011)have 3,000 hits
  13. How many pennants have the New York Yankees won in their history
  14. how many innings were played in the longest playoff game in MLB history(Houston Astros vs Atlanta Braves 2005)
  15. what was the first year of Stickball(aka Baseball)

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Quiz topic: Know my bizz quiz