John Lennon Test

John Lennon is one of rock's biggest heroes and pioneers. He did so much to shape today's music society and caused lots of influence and inspiration, not only in his music.

How well do YOU know John Lennon? Would you dishonor him in your poor knowledge, or amaze him? Only one way to find out: take this test. Find out how much YOU know.

Created by: Beatles Obsessed
  1. John Lennon's birthday was on:
  2. John Lennon's middle name was:
  3. John was born where?
  4. Who raised John Lennon?
  5. How many siblings did he have?
  6. What was John's first band called?
  7. When John was 18, where did he start performing?
  8. Which of the following BEATLES songs did he write?
  9. John had how many wives?
  10. How many sons did he have?
  11. *BONUS* Which of the following was one of John Lennon's son's names?

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