Is your friend honest to you

There are many people who wander: Is my friend REALLY honest with me? Now you can find out in just moments when you take the Honesty Quiz! So take it soon before it is too late, because as far as you know, it just might be. Just maybe! OH NO!

So, are you and your bud honest? Do you think that we'd lie about our quiz being so great, we already took this quiz and we got a 93, now, look who's talking you lieing and kaniving little bleep! So, take our quiz and see who gets the better truth score!

Created by: M
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you and your friend share secrets?
  2. do you and your friend talk often
  3. Do you and your friend share good times together?
  4. Do you and your friend ditch each other?
  5. On a scale from 1 - 6, 6 being happy, 1 being angry, what is your current view on your friend?
  6. when you get the chance to ride the same bus as your friend do they sit with you or their boyfriend/girlfriend?
  7. when you get the chance to ride the same bus as your friend do they sit with you or their boyfriend/girlfriend?
  8. do you and your friend fight a lot?
  9. What is the color you think of when you think of your friend right now?
  10. What is your friends favorite color?

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Quiz topic: Is my friend honest to you