Is ur equestrian crush for reals?

Do you have a crush who your real into, but not sure if he's the right rider for youz? Does he even ride? Good? These are some tough Q's! better find pout quick!!

So, your into him. He's into you. But are u really meant to be an equestrian couple? Together? Forever? Riding into the sunset?!? OMG! FIGURe IT OUT! TAke DA QUIZ!

Created by: BarrelracerPolebender
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he know what double oxer means?
  2. If you have horses, does he know there names?
  3. Okay, has he rode your horse?
  4. Rate 1-5. Is he a good rider?
  5. Have you rode his horse?
  6. Do you ride the same disapline? (western,english,etc)
  7. has he seen u ride? Did he think it was good?
  8. Do you ride at the same stable?
  9. Are u both looking to go on the Yent?
  10. DO YOU LIKe him? last Q!!

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