Is that man dangerous? (Girls with doubts)

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Is there a guy in your life that you like, but you have doubts about how safe it is to be around him? Well, with this quiz, you can find out. Please take la quiz.

And if your ever in an emergency, there are some really cool self defence techniques online and always call the police. So, please go ahead and take the quiz.

Created by: Nord
  1. would you say that you know this dude?
  2. Does he ever seem stressed or aggressive around you? Or to you?
  3. Does he seem to invade your personal space, make you feel uncomfortable or ask you uncomfortable questions.
  4. Does he follow you or stare at you excessively to the point of it being odd?
  5. Does he ever touch you when your giving the message that you are uncomfortable?
  6. Do your parents, Guardians or family have a positive view about him? (If they know of him, which they should.) (including friends)
  7. Does he Usaully demand to have what he wants?
  8. Does he ever force you to do stuff that you decline?
  9. Does he allways want to be alone with you?
  10. Is he kind to your family and his own?

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