what is your religion

have you had your doubts when you go to church, or temple, well this is going to dispell all of thoes doubts. and hey if you didn't enjoy this that you are taking life way to seriously, take it easy man...

do a few breathing exercises before you do this, you will be shocked at the results...have you had your doubts when you go to church, or temple, well this is going to dispell all of thoes doubts. and hey if you didn't enjoy this that you are taking life way to seriously, take it easy man...

Created by: 133333
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. who is your prophet?
  2. what is your holy book?
  3. where is your final resting place?
  4. have you been shunned from society for your religion?
  5. have you been shunned from society for your religion?
  6. who do you fear the most?
  7. have you had doubts about your religion before?
  8. are you a fan of religion?
  9. have you had a epiphany during this quiz
  10. are you ready for your religion to be revealed to you?

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Quiz topic: What is my religion