Is Shawn Mendes or Cam Dallas yours?

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There are many fish in the sea but I made this quiz about these two adorable fishes who mean a lot to me! Who are they? Shawn Mendes and Cam Dallas!!! You may know facts about each and know what to pick to get who you want but just pick based you!

SO ARE YOU GOING TO BE SHAWN'S DARLING OR CAM'S BABY GIRL??! The world may have never known who, YOU, would have as your soul mate!!!!!! And now HAVE FUN!

Created by: Noelle
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. Thoughts on challenges?
  3. Singing or making Vines?
  4. Opinion of the Perfect Date?
  5. Favorite Candy?
  6. FOOD!?!?
  7. Which song lyric sounds more you?
  8. Religion?
  9. Number of kids you want?
  10. OK LAST ONE Hopefully you liked it! Thank you and comment what you got! What do you look for?

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Quiz topic: Is Shawn Mendes or Cam Dallas mys?