Is my belly too fat?

Take this test to see if you have too much fat around your belly or if your belly is too fat! Be honest with yourself to find out the true results of this test!

Fat rolls, muffin tops and jiggly bellies! Let’s see if you have one and need to get to the gym to work off all that extra fat from around your belly!!

Created by: Lucysmith
  1. Okay let’s start by the sitting questions. Sit down, move your waistband below your belly button. Relax your belly. How many fat rolls do you have?
  2. How many inches does your belly overhang across the edge of your jeans?
  3. What happens when you gently hit your belly?
  4. Still sitting, lean forwards and try and pinch some fat. How much can you grab?
  5. Stand up, relax your belly. Stand up straight look down what can you see?
  6. I ask you to try on a size small (uk size 6) jeans. What would happen?
  7. I ask you to try on a size small shirt, what would happen?
  8. Standing in front of a mirror, and do 10 jumping jacks. What happens?
  9. Still in front of the mirror. Turn to the side and bend over (like your touching your toes) look at your belly what does it look like?
  10. With our bending over look at your belly from the side, what does it look like?
  11. Sit down on the floor, cross your legs. Look down. What do you see?

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