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GIRLS ONLY!!! guys can if they want LOL. so your problobly taking this quiz because your second guessing your relationship with a guy. am i right?????

Well i got the answers for you! take my quiz and find out if he is worth it or if you should just forgive and forget.

Created by: cassie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Has he told you he likes you?
  2. Do you guys ever talk?
  3. do you hang out outside of school?
  4. does he like any other girls?
  5. how many other girlfriends has he had?
  6. how long have you known him?
  7. does he ever lie to you or try to make you jealous?
  8. does he treat you special? or act more gentle around you than with his friends?
  9. does he know that you like him?
  10. can you trust him with anything?
  11. sorry but will you comment rate or both? plzzz

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