Is A Ferret The Right Pet For You? - Quiz

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Find out if your ready for a ferret! This awesome quiz shows you if your ready for a ferret! Don't be sad if you got a low score. All it means is to keep studying!

Ferrets! Wonderful, cuddly, sneaky bandits! I have two myself! Sparky, my cinnamon baby, and Bandit, my super sneaky sable baby. I love those two so much!

Created by: FerretPLUSDogLOVER
  1. What are ferrets?
  2. How many ferrets should you get?
  3. What should you feed your ferret regularly?
  4. What should you feed your ferret for a treat?
  5. What style cage should you get your ferret?
  6. What is a safe ferret toy to leave in their cage?
  7. What makes ferrets smell worse? (They already have a musk)
  8. What does it mean if your ferrets tail is fluffed up?
  9. Can ferrets learn to use the litter box?
  10. Will ferrets use jumbo exirsize wheels?

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