Inuyasha quiz 1

Inuyasha quiz is based off multiple episodes of this series. If you have never watched the anime or read the Manga, I suggest you not take this quiz. KK?

Second paragraph?! WTF, no. I give you no second paragraph. This Sesshy fan refuses. I am Keylala lover, and Kanna is my rolemodel. I will not give you a second paragraph.

Created by: kanna5699
  1. Who is the first Detatchment of Naraku?
  2. Are Inuyasha and Sesshomaru full brothers?
  3. Who is Sango?
  4. Which of these is NOT an actuall characters name?
  5. Who is Sango's Demon companion?
  6. Sesshomaru becomes softer after..
  7. Which one of these is not a girl-
  8. Which of these has Inuyasha NOT fought before?
  9. Naraku is-
  10. Inuyasha is-

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