Impossible Warrior cat quiz

A not that hard impossible quiz! I'm sorry its late and I don't know how hard. For regular humans only! No super-humans or Robots! I'm serious NO SUPER-HUMANS OR ROBOTS!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, please think hard, regular humans. Please please please don't use the wiki as I FORBID YOU! Don't you dare or else. Don't you dare check back on the books. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Dragon
  1. Who said "You cannot live with a paw in world"?
  2. Who killed Firestar?
  3. Have you used the wiki already?
  4. Who said "Die!"
  5. Who brought Windclan back after Brokenstar's rein?
  6. Why is the warrior's wiki bad?
  7. Who attacked Rusty in the skirmish that Rusty was introduced to the clans?
  8. Who is Cherryfall's mate?
  9. Who is Tigerclaw
  10. Who said "You may swim like otters, but you and your warriors do not belong in this forest!"

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