If you were a baby what would you be like?

No one can remember what they were like as a baby. But i can remind you. Some of you were cute. Some of you, not. Some of you good, some of you bad. Some of you smart some of you not.

Have you ever wondered why YOU would be like as a baby? Until now you can only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, you can now find out wether your cute and friendly, or not so much.

Created by: Anna Sewell
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What best describes you?
  2. How bad are you?
  3. You are picking your siblings up from school. what are you doing?
  4. You are told to go to time out. Do you?
  5. Do you give your mom a hard time?
  6. Are you spanked?
  7. How do you behave?
  8. are you cute?
  9. Do you like your mommy?
  10. The dreaded question. What's your favorite color?

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