I can guess your age!

Hi! Welcome to my first quiz! I hope you like it! I'm gonna try and guess your age! It's my first quiz like I said, so sorry if it isn't the best, but enjoy!

So how old are you? Are you a tween, a teen or an adult? Will I guess correctly or not? (sorry if I don't, I've worked hard on this quiz, so I hope it's okay lol) Have fun whatever your result :)

Created by: MysticGold_17
  1. Do you go to school?
  2. Are you dating anyone?
  3. Have you graduated from high school?
  4. What do you enjoy doing?
  5. Where do you like to be?
  6. Fav music genre?
  7. What do you do on weekends?
  8. If you went shopping, what would you buy?
  9. Can you drive?
  10. Did you like my first quiz?
  11. Will you comment and rate?

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Quiz topic: I can guess my age!
