Which SBI character are you!! But it kinda hits hard

So, each result is gonna be a bit personal, this is my first quiz and I don't know if this will work correctly, I have no idea what I'm doing so please bare with me..

You'll probably get someone unexpectedly, if the results don't line up to what you feel and what you're struggling with then I guess I screwed up the quiz, anyway good luck!!!

Created by: Poprockyo
  1. What kind of cat would you be if you could choose?
  2. What's your favorite color?
  3. What's your favorite weapon?
  4. How do you handle children?
  5. What out of the list of drinks is your favorite?
  6. Cats or dogs?
  7. How well do you open up to people?
  8. Do grammar mistakes bother you?
  9. Which one are you in your friend group?
  10. Are you an artist? (Drawing, animation or even crafts it doesn't matter)
  11. How well do you understand your identity?
  12. Animals or people?
  13. Blankets or pillows?
  14. Do you distract yourself on purpose?
  15. Are you chill with your friend getting in a fist fight?
  16. How much rizz do you have?

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Quiz topic: Which SBI character am I!! But it kinda hits hard
