I can guess what type of shoe you're wearing!!!!

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The fourth quiz of the "I can guess" saga is here! I know this sounds like a really weird quiz, but I'm kind of bored so I decided to make it. I also want to see if I really can guess what type of shoe you're wearing!

WARNING: Please pay close attention at this point. There is no guarantee that I will get your shoe right, so please do not be mad if I'm wrong. Hopefully, if I'm wrong, it will at least be close or something you wore earlier today. You also do not have to be wearing shoes to take this quiz, "no shoes" is a result.

Created by: amazon
  1. Are you about to do something active or did you just do something active?
  2. Are you about to, doing, or just did something formal?
  3. What season is it?
  4. What's the weather right now?
  5. Are you relaxing right now/ were you recently?
  6. Are you leaving the house soon?
  7. Do you like to dress up?
  8. Have you hurt your foot or leg recently?
  9. Do you get blisters easily?
  10. Are you girly?

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