Caribbean Quizzes
You have arrived at our category for quizzes about the Caribbean and its island nations. The Caribbean is renown for its tropical beauty. Do you live here? Would you like to?
Cuba Quizzes
- How Cuban are you?[by: Mark, rated: 2.76rated: 2.76/5, published: Nov 11, 2006]
The truth is that a Cuban is much more different than an American. Really If you take an American Paint him/her a dark tan. replace the beer with rum. Put on…
Jamaica Quizzes
- How much do you know about Jamaica?[by: doodle, rated: 4.67rated: 4.67/5, published: May 26, 2016]
Jamaica, one of the jewels of the Caribbean. We all think that we know everything about Jamaica, but the reality is there are several of us do not know…
- You know You're Jamaican when...[by: RachaelLea, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Jan 21, 2013]
Many people have visited Jamaica, but do they really know that much? Are you a true Jamaican? Or just secretly want to be? Let's test your skills on how much…
- How Jamaican are you?[by: dj, rated: 3.24rated: 3.24/5, published: Jan 22, 2007]
Hey, are you Jamaican? Can you prove it? Try to pass the test...
Puerto Rico Quizzes
- How Puerto Rico are you?[by: Jose, rated: 2.84rated: 2.84/5, published: Feb 12, 2007]
There are many people who have heard of Puerto Rico. Many claim to be from there. Being A Puerto Rican Is not just about where you where born it is a way of…
- How Boricua are you?[by: cs, rated: 2.77rated: 2.77/5, published: Apr 3, 2009]
Many people claim they are Puerto Rican or that they know a lot about Puerto Rico. Before you take this quiz, think about this - Am I Puerto Rican, Do I have…
- How Much You Know Puerto Rico?[by: Nicky, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Mar 12, 2013]
There are many people from different nationalities but not everybody know their culture and origin. With this quiz you will find out the real true about you.
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