hyphy, crunk, baller, or a loooser

This is the thug label quiz that me and austin made to see how cool you are. please be COMPLETELY HONEST or else you will just be a poser and you know it.

So who are you? this is dathug label quiz. take it or leave it...this is conor and u are talking a quiz that me and austin made in core cuz we were so bored and that we were doe with our research report notes (wich ai am top of the notch on). i have to type a sertain amount of words here so ill just keep talking like a fool. fool . what a dumb word. who would invent that wourd. right now im just seeing how fast i can type im pretty fast.

Created by: conor
  1. have u ever smoked in ur life?
  2. have u ever drank
  3. have u ever had a interaction with cops/security guards.
  4. do u have/have u ever had a girlfriend or boyfriend?
  5. have u ever played with fire
  6. have you ever beaten some one up
  7. do u have good grades
  8. wich of these would u rather do?
  9. what best describes you?
  10. what would u rather listen to

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