How YB are you?

YB is a group which consist of 6 really happy-go-lucky, fun and high individual. The group was created in order to live things up during SJAB training in Wrs. Without YB, SJAB will be dull! HELL YEAH! HAHAHAHAH

Ever wondered what is YB? Ever wondered, could you be one? And for the already YBians out there.. ARE YOU REALLY TRULY A YB!? Take this test and you'll find out! Created out of nowhere by Haziq, you will know how YB you are!

Created by: Haziq
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like getting high?
  2. Which seats would you probably seat on a bus?
  3. What is your personality?
  4. When you are in a public space, and someonce cracked up a really funny joke. How would you laugh?
  5. Do you like being bossed around
  6. R E B E L! What comes to your mind when you see this word?
  7. How mature are you?
  8. After you encountered a bossy/b----y/ignorant person, what would you do next?
  9. Imagine that your in a group, and each of you do not have enough money to buy food. What will you do?
  10. Are you shy?

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Quiz topic: How YB am I?