How would you rate the phone company Blackberry?

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This is just a small quiz that I threw together called "How would you rate the phone company Blackberry?" Well, how would you rate the phone company Blackberry, high or low?

This is just a small quiz that I threw together called "How would you rate the phone company Blackberry?" Well, how would you rate the phone company Blackberry, high or low?M

Created by: 070085915
  1. Camera?
  2. Prossesore?
  3. Touch screen?
  4. App store?
  5. Setup?
  6. Speakers?
  7. Battery?
  8. Storage?
  9. Grip?
  10. Messaging/Emailing?
  11. Vibration?
  12. Web-surfing?
  13. Pixels?
  14. (FINALLY) Ease of use?

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