How would you do with the Black Cat miraculous?

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Hello my Chatons! This is a quiz to see how well you would do with Chat Noir's ring! Stay on the look out for more quizzes like this one! Please leave me some love in the comments!

This quiz took me days to make. So please enjoy! Tell me what you got in the comments! I look forward to hearing what you got! See you after the quiz!

Created by: Abby
  1. You have the power to destroy anything you touch.. How would you use it?
  2. You have a crush on this guy/girl... What do you do?
  3. How do you feel about cat puns?
  4. If you had the chance.. Would you kill Hawkmoth?
  5. Do you write fanfic?
  6. Whats your favorite scene from "Miraculous" so far?
  7. Hero or villain?
  8. You have a bully.. They have bullied you since pre-k. That bully embarrasses you in front of the whole school.. What do you do??
  9. On a scale from one to five, how awesome is Chat Noir?
  10. Lastly, using three words, how would you describe your life?

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