how will I find love

Many people do not know when they are in love. In fact,most people do not know at all. It is not that hard. Answer these questions and you'll know if you're in love or not.

Are YOU in love? With this quiz you'll know very very soon. Have fun taking this test! I know you'lll have fun with this child appropriate test. Please answer truthfully!

Created by: heather

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Have you ever felt intense emotions of joy around someone you like?
  2. Have you ever wanted to kiss someone you think you hate?
  3. Have you ever had a dream about someone you hate and think about them ever day?
  4. Have you ever woke up thinking about somebody you barely know?
  5. Have you ever wanted to kiss someone suddenly?
  6. Have you ever thought you hated someone then wanted to kiss them?
  7. Have you ever thought constantly about someone even if they're not there?
  8. Have you ever wanted to see someone immediately even if you don't like them?
  9. Have you ever wanted to kiss someone immediately?
  10. Have you ever wanted to see someone when you hate them?

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