how well donyou know me #2?

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Let me see how well you guys know me. Just take it even if im a stranger you may so better Jan expected. Never know till you give it a try right? So go on and try.

Let me see how well you guys know me. Just take it even if im a stranger you may so better Jan expected. Never know till you give it a try right? So go on and try..

Created by: Rex

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my name?
  2. Am I an optimist?
  3. Do I sing?
  4. Age?
  5. Do I'll like western?
  6. Who did i learn to fight from?
  7. My favorite Pearljam song?
  8. Do I dream alot?
  9. Am I the shadow king?
  10. Favorite ffx character?

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