How well do you know Yu-Gi-Oh!?

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So, if you wanr to know how well you know YU-Gi-oh!, guess I made something for you, if you don't give a c*ap about it however, feel free to ignore this, the same way girls ignore me.

This Will test everything, from your card game knowledge, to your understanindg of the series, and even a bit about ygo communty in general, so it's the prefect test of yourygo knoledge! Hvae fun mate!

Created by: Small yugioh
  1. Okay, let us start with a very easy one: Who created yugioh?
  2. Lets dig into it's history a little more, shall we? Wich was the first set to come out in the TCG (outside Asia) version of the game?
  3. What does pot of greed do?
  4. Wich of this cards was played in 2003?
  5. Anime time! Wich of this characters never lost?
  6. How many "Volume" sets were released in the OCG (Asian verison of the game)
  7. Even more anime time! Wich of this characters have 2-6 win lose ratio?
  8. Okay, final question to wrap things up! Wich of this yugitubers has the most hair?
  9. Nah mate, just joking, we still have 2 more left for you to solve. So wich of this is NOT a card?
  10. Okay mate, the REAL last question: Wich of this is NOT a yugioh tournament?
  11. OMG! I am such a troll! I just can't stop adding new questions after I say it's over! I am such a spammer! I fell like Scott Cawthoon with FNAF and how it already had 3 confirmed endings and still keeps going! Okay, the true last question: Wich of this anime archetypes exist in the real card game?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Yu-Gi-Oh!?
