How well do you know your text vocab?

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There are SO many texting words. Only a quarter of our nation knows all of it. Are you one of them? Or not? Click the blue link above to find out! :)

Are YOU a TEXTING GENIUS? Do you know EVERY single word in the native language of teens today? Do you have the texting knowlage? Take the test to find out!

Created by: TXTR
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What does 'brb' mean?
  2. What does 'lyl' mean?
  3. What does 'ttyl' mean?
  4. What does 'gr8' mean?
  5. What does 'tht' mean?
  6. What does 'gtg' mean?
  7. What does 'omg' mean?
  8. What does 'tmi' mean?
  9. What does 'tp' mean?
  10. What does >:P mean?
  11. What does 'TXTR' mean?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my text vocab?