How well do you know your dog?

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How well do you know your pet?? does it bark, meow, not make any noise at all?? lets see if you are trustworthy for my pets/ food. i care about it more that you would ever know..

so how about it?? do you know your pet? can you pass the test of authority? can you? huh? huh?? HUH??? meh.. i dont care. just take the test.. pleeeeeeese???

Created by: Maya Angstadt
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many spots does your dog/pet have?
  2. Have you ever walked your dog/pet?
  3. can your pet talk?
  4. have you ever brushed/cleaned/groomed your pet?
  5. what is your pet's favorite toy??
  6. How does your pet tell you it's hungry?
  7. Where did you get your pet?
  8. are you having fun with this quiz?
  9. are you excited to see what you will get?
  10. What do you think you will be??

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my dog?