How well do you know Yoda?

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Just how well do you think you know Yoda? There are 11 questions on the quiz. Some are harder than others. Guess what percent you will get and compare what you got to your guess!

HERE IS A CHALLENGE: Yoda says things like "Strong, you have become, Ventress. But not that strong." Try to say everything you say that way today. Bet you can't!

Created by: Rebecca
  1. Who was Yoda's only apprentice that turned to the dark side permanently?
  2. What did Asajj Ventress call Yoda?
  3. Who was the last person Yoda trained?
  4. What was Yoda's last word?
  5. Who trained Yoda?
  6. What two jedi sit on either side of Yoda in the jedi council?
  7. What species was the friend Yoda trained with, who was also force sensitive?
  8. Where was Yoda at the beginning of the first battle of Geonosis?
  9. Where was Yoda during Order 66?
  10. What did Yoda say after Luke told him that he was looking for someone?
  11. "The shroud of the dark side has fallen. Begun,____________ has." "•Master Yoda

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Yoda?