how well do you know total drama action

TDA is very important to me so i made this quiz to let you know how much you rock the tda know how so better get studying if you didn't get a 100%!!!!

I LOVE TDA it rocks it is amazing and i love it so much i study it and this quiz will let you know if you rock the tda know how so you better start study ing if you didn't rock this quiz

Created by: gabriella

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What was the name of episode 14
  2. Who is the 13'th person to get voted off
  3. Who's hair dose Heather try to cut
  4. Where was the weirdest place Geoff and Bridgette made out
  5. Who dose Duncan love
  6. What is the name of Justin's agent
  7. What did Owen's mom buy
  8. Who did Geoff say was the hottest girl on the show
  9. What was Heathers trird wig
  10. Who won TDA

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Quiz topic: How well do I know total drama action