How well do you know the TV show Yes, Dear??

There are a lot of smarty pants out there. This quiz is a quiz to test and see how well you know the TV show Yes, Dear. If you don't watch the show you should! You will love it! **

Do you know the show Yes, Dear? If so take this quiz and you will truely find out how much you honestly know about the show Yes, Dear. This is a fun quiz! Enjoy! :) ***

Created by: Megan
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is Jimmy married too?
  2. Why did Kim take Gregg to Sea World?
  3. Who was more popular in high school Kim or Christine?
  4. Here is a list of a family on Yes, Dear which one is right?
  5. Who is the oldest out of all the kids?
  6. What is Gregg's last name?
  7. Who would you want to date?
  8. Who is prettier?
  9. If you could be one person on the show who would it be?
  10. Kim kissed someone else before she met Gregg out of the following who was it?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the TV show Yes, Dear??