How well do you know The Sight (Warrior cats)?

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How well do you know The Sight (Warrior cats)? Answer the questions and find out! You will also get your rank based on your score. Will you be a leader?

This quiz is based on the "Warriors" series by Erin Hunter. If you didn't read The Sight, do not try this quiz. There are many spoilers ahead.........

Created by: Snowfox
  1. Who heard the prophecy first?
  2. Which kit knew where the fox cubs were?
  3. Who is the first StarClan cat Jaypaw knew?
  4. What did Hollykit gave Lionkit for the thorns?
  5. Who saved Jaypaw from drowning?
  6. Which apprentice had greencough?
  7. Who was the third cat with greencough?
  8. Was Brook a kittypet?
  9. Who was the second cat to hear the prophecy?
  10. Which cat wanted to make a special Gathering?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Sight (Warrior cats)?
