How well do you know The Noid?

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This is a test on how much you know about The Noid! I am a HUGE fan of The Noid, I know a lot about that goober, and I hope you do too! Enjoy this quiz with all your heart!

The Noid is one of my favorite mascots, I don't really know why, but I'm okay with it, I want to squeeze that one plush of him that makes noises, like, what noises would it make? Probably clips from the commercials

Created by: [no emails]
  1. What was the name of the Commodore 64 game that The Noid featured in?
  2. When did the first Noid commercial air?
  3. What was the Facebook powered flash game that The Noid featured in?
  4. What was the NES game that The Noid featured in?
  5. What does The Noid hate the most
  6. What does The Noid love doing?
  7. Who was The Noid voiced by?
  8. Who was the person that animated The Noid?
  9. What does The Noid wear?
  10. How does The Noid sound?
  11. Who is Kenneth Lamar Noid?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know The Noid?
