How well do you know the Dobre Brothers (2018)

In this quiz there will be one answer to each question. This is quite an easy test so if you're new to their channel and want to test yourself, this is the right quiz for you! If you are not sure on an answer take a wild guess, who knows it could be the right answer.

Pls check out Dobre Brothers, Christina and Cyrus, Lucas and Marcus, invita on YouTube cuz it's lit over there! This is not a sponsor, I just love them so so so much and I encourage you to be a fan too! Pls help the dobre army get larger by subscribing!

Created by: Zarena
  1. On which website did the Dobre twins start filming?
  2. Who is the oldest brother?
  3. Who is the youngest?
  4. Whose colour car is orange?
  5. Who is the most liked bro?
  6. Where were the bros born?
  7. Who is your favorite brother?
  8. How many subs do they have?
  9. How many channels does their whole family have including their girlfriends?
  10. How well do you think you know them?

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