How well do you know Sydney?

Every person should have someone like Sydney in their lives. If not, you may need one. Do you think Sydney is funny? Edgy? Stupid? I guess we'll see won't we.

Depending on how good you do on this quiz, you may need a Sydney to spice up your life a bit. I think Sydney is a great person. Good luck on the quiz kids!

Created by: Soulsof Theinnocent
  1. What gender is Sydney?
  2. What is Sydney's middle name?
  3. What is Sydney's main instrument?
  4. What is Sydney's zodiac sign?
  5. What type of music does Sydney listen to?
  6. What is Sydney's favorite food?
  7. What is Sydney's favorite subject in school?
  8. Who was Sydney's kindergarten boyfriend?
  9. What is Sydney's favorite movie?
  10. What did Sydney say when she choked on a Triscut?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Sydney?

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