How well do you know Steven Universe

There are a wide range of Steven Universe lovers from the not watcher dummys to the true Steven Universe fan this quiz will tell you what you are on the scale.

Are you a smart Steven Universe fan or are you a not watcher dummy well you will know if you qualify for the exiting role of being a amazing Steven Universe fan or not very soon.

Created by: Mayim

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Steven Universe???
  2. Who are the main characters of Steven Universe??
  3. Who is Connie?
  4. Where does Steven live?
  5. Who are the original Diamonds??
  6. Where was Amethyst creared?
  7. Who is Steven's Mom?
  8. Who is Steven's Dad?
  9. What two gems make Garnet?
  10. How many Seasons are there in Steven Universe???

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Steven Universe