how well do you know starfox adventures

do you love love love starfox adventures well lets see how much do you know it well figure it out with this quiz I hope you love it so here is the quiz

do you know EVERYTHING there is to know of star fox adventures? I hope you love this quiz so please try it and you might enjoy it ! it is really fun I hope you score high

Created by: jessica
  1. what is the name of the prince earth walker
  2. where can we find the queen earth walker
  3. what do we use to change tricky ' s colour?
  4. who is andross
  5. what is a earth walkers favorite food
  6. what does crystal gets trapped in
  7. who are fox's three friends that help him?
  8. who is musclefoot
  9. who does fox falls in love with
  10. finaly what is a spellstone

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Quiz topic: How well do I know starfox adventures