How Well Do You Know Selena Gomez?

This quiz will show you what you know about Selena Gomez. In the score, it will tell you what you should do to show you like Selena Gomez or for some scores, to show that you don't.

Are YOU the number on Selena fan? Do you have the power to amaze anyone including Selena that you know all about Selena? Until know you can only wonder. But thanks to this quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out.

Created by: Lexie
  1. What Is Selena's Middle Name?
  2. Where Was Selena Born?
  3. What year was Selena born in?
  4. Who did Selena first meet that is famous now?
  5. What was the first TV show Selena Gomez was on or guest starred on?
  6. How old does Selena turn in 2010?
  7. Who was the first person to be on a show with Selena?
  8. Who Is Selena's Best Friend?
  9. What Is Selena's favorite food?
  10. What is Selena's favorite color?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Selena Gomez?