How well do you know Ryan Phillippe?

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Are you a true Ryan Phillippe fan? This little quiz will help you decide ! Some questions are tough some are easy you decide! Hope you have fun taking it !

Are YOU a Ryan Phillippe Fan ? Do you have the answers to qualify for being a top fan? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: Tara
  1. What is Ryan's middle name?
  2. What year did Stop Loss go into theaters?
  3. What is Ryan's favorite genre of music?
  4. Who did Ryan play on One Life to Live?
  5. How many Sister's does Ryan have?
  6. What was Ryan doing when he was discovered by a agent?
  7. What's Ryan's sign?
  8. What Movie set did Ryan throw up on?
  9. What movie did Ryan and Juliette act in together before secrets and lies?
  10. What was the name of Ryan's bull dog in the late 1990's ?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Ryan Phillippe?