How well do you know Romantic Killer

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So I am doing a quiz about my favorite anime show (other then MHA) called Romantic Killer. It is awesomely funny. It gets a little weird at the end but don't all shows if they don't turn into a soap opera? The comment bellow is from someone else.

"It has a lot of funny scenes, especially between the heroine and the game Wizard. It's ultimately a fun watch, and I really hope there's a 2nd season, there's so much more to the story. DON'T THINK TWICE, JUST WATCH IT, IT'S WORTH IT."

Created by: Starlight Milky
  1. What is the main characters name
  2. What is the fairy's name
  3. What hair color is the first guy she meets
  4. What is the second guy named that she meets
  5. Is the fairy a girl?
  6. Was the main character in "Teasing Master Takagi-San"
  7. Who are the fairies (Hint: There are only 2😈)
  8. What was the roach hidden by
  9. Who kills the roach
  10. How many siblings does Tsukasa have
  11. Where did the girl meet Tsukasa again
  12. What happened to Tsukasa's apartment
  13. What is the third episode called
  14. What is her cat's name
  15. What is her real name
  16. What does the main character get taken from her
  17. What does the fairy have to do for a punishment
  18. What is her final barrier
  19. What broke her door
  20. Who couldn't buy a phone
  21. Who is her cousin
  22. How did Junta react when the main character got kissed by her cousin
  23. What stops the fairy from casting spells
  24. What were the new rules that the main character had to follow or else....?
  25. When the main character found out who she was working with at her job what did she do

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Romantic Killer

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