how well do you know one direction

This is to test your directioners smartness if you know you're not a directioners do not take this I made this to see if you are one but please don't waste your precious time

If you make 50 or below you are a directionator you try hard to fit in with us but never no the inside joke sorry I had to be the one to say it but it's true

Created by: Chloe
  1. who was the first one directin member to leave?
  2. what date is louis birthday?
  3. When was one direction formed
  4. How old was Harry when he auditioned
  5. Who is Kevin
  6. What is the first name of Louis and Harry bromance name
  7. Who is Jimmy
  8. Who like girls who eat carrots
  9. What date is February 1
  10. __________ Management
  11. Who is the youngest
  12. Which song: " I'm the first to admit that I'm reckless"
  13. What two people once had curly hair
  14. Who is Lou and Lux
  15. Am I awsome

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Quiz topic: How well do I know one direction