How well do you know ODD SQUAD?

There you are! Something very odd has happened! It's time for you to find out how much you know about ODD SQUAD! Do you know more than Ms. O? Only one way to find out!

Take this quiz to find out how much you know about ODD SQUAD. Who knows? Maybe you will be the next agent. Hurry up already! The ODD SQUAD needs YOU!

Created by: Me
  1. Who is the main scientist of ODD SQUAD?
  2. What does the O in ODD SQUAD stand for?
  3. What does the S in ODD SQUAD stand for?
  4. Fill in the blank: "You say ________, I say french toast with jam!"-Odd Todd
  5. Agent Orchid likes
  6. Agent Olive's greatest fear is
  7. What number is agent Todd.
  8. Ms. O loves
  9. How many Oscarbots did Oscar make to create the perfect juice box for Ms. O?
  10. Who is not a member of SOUNDCHECK?
  11. Who said this quote: "What does it look like we're doing? We're working."

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Quiz topic: How well do I know ODD SQUAD?