How well do you know my AU

Hey! This is my first Quiz.. Don't be mad thhis are my opinions .. Love you Guys bye!Have a Awesome day! Best Friends Forever!!!!!We love chuu!!!!!!!!

**My Opinions** The Quiz is for fun..*Just click on the Answers*Make you Own*Have more and more fun*Tell me if you want more*BTW I am tired* *Sike* not Sike hehe

Created by: Lizzy_Afton
  1. Who is Williams Afton's wife?
  2. Which Anamatronic is Terrence Afton?
  3. Which one do I ship?
  4. Which is my Favorite ship?
  5. Who is my Favorite Afton member
  6. What is the other Name of Elizabeth Afton
  7. Who is the Man behind the Slaughter?
  8. What is the relationship of William and Glichtrap?
  9. What is the real name of Glichtrap? (Thinkkkkk)hehe-
  10. How many Quetions?
  11. Glichtrap x ?
  12. Micheal x ?
  13. Elizabeth x ?
  14. C.C or Chirs x ?
  15. Did you enjoy? Chosse the correct one if you can UwU
  16. Who wants to be my Friend?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know my AU

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